Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Beforever Purchases

So these are the goodies I came home with!

Samantha meet outfit comes with the dress, stockings, bloomers and shoes. 

Samantha loves her new outfit. She's especially happy to have new black shoes, I still have her wear those plastic ones sometimes!

Addy's meet outfit comes with the dress, pantaloons, fabric boots and socks.

I purchased it for Kirsten. At first I thought the blue would be too bright for her, but I'm glad I took a chance and just brought it home. It is so pretty and it looks so good on her. Kirsten is very pleased to have such a lovely dress and especially excited about having brand new pantaloons as her old ones are very very old and worn out!

Not a part of Beforever but I finally got Isabelle her pajamas. It seems only fair since all the other girls have their own.

And I picked up the PWP outfit which is super cute! Emily loves being modern!

At the very last minute Kit's typewriter ended up coming home with me as well.

Molly loves it! She says she's going to type her journal everyday!

Oh! Molly also would like to show off her new outfit that arrived the day before the Beforever launch. She's a bit miffed that she got left out of all the excitement at AG but at least she got new clothes!


  1. Great purchases! Congratulations on the additions to your collection.

  2. Wow great purchases, Addy's outfit looks so good on Kirsten :O
